HR Technologies

Team Orchestration Tool


Teamgroove's challenge is to measure the effectiveness and quality of a team within a context of change such as our way of working is experiencing: smart and remote working, liquid organizations, widespread responsibility, etc. It arises from the need to make measurable not only operations but also the human part and interactions between employees.

Digital Concept

Teamgroove is a digital platform designed for orchestrating goal-oriented teams. An innovative tool in the field of HR Technologies which, through a data driven approach on people, is able to extract value from company processes and projects and at the same time measure the development of effective relationships within the team.

Technological Solution

The entire solution is based on a dual logic (Be and Do) which, on one side, analyzes performance - times, costs, quality - on the other, highlights capabilities - skill, sentiment and reputation. Through a proactive and previsional system AI driven, Teamgroove suggests to the manager the most suitable resource for a new project based on the skills required, the expected workload and the commitment of that employee in the team, and it calculates the risk percentage of a determined project, keeping in mind the deviation from the margin and the positive / negative sentiment of the allocated resources.

Project KPIs

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Por Marche FESR 2014/2020

© COPYRIGHT 2001-2021. Nautes S.p.A Viale Don Minzoni 6, 60035 Jesi (AN) Italy Tel +39 027223661 C.F. e P.Iva 02074220423 PEC: CCIAA: REA 159182 R.I. 02074220423 Capitale sociale: € 447.000,00 i.v. Informativa L. 124/2017.